Rank-Based Illumination Estimation
A new two-stage illumination estimation method based on the concept of rank is presented. The method first estimates the illuminant locally in subwindows using a ranking of digital counts in each color channel and then combines local subwindow estimates again based on a ranking of the local estimates. The proposed method unifies the MaxRGB and Grayworld methods. Despite its simplicity, the performance of the method is found to be competitive with other state-of-the art methods for estimating the chromaticity of the overall scene illumination. Introduction The first step in automatic white balancing an image is generally to estimate the ‘color’ or chromaticity of the light illuminating the scene. In the camera’s RGB coordinate system this is equivalent to determining the triple of (R,G,B) digital counts (up to an overall scale factor) that the camera would register from an ideal-white reflecting surface placed in the scene. Considered as a vector, it is only the direction of the (R,G,B) that matters, not its magnitude, since the magnitude is affected by the camera’s exposure settings and other factors. As a result, most illumination estimation methods return the rg-chromaticity of the illuminant (r,g) where r=R/(R+G+B) and g=G/(R+G+B). Given a measured ‘true’ illuminant chromaticity (rt,gt) and an estimated chromaticity (re,ge), the error in the estimate is frequently reported as the angle in degrees between the vectors (rt,gt,1-rt-gt) and (re,ge,1-re-ge). There are many illumination estimation methods reported in the literature [1-12]. In this paper, we describe a new rank-based method that unifies the Grayworld and MaxRGB approaches in a manner that is analogous to, but different from, the Shades of Grey method and compare its performance to several of the better known methods for estimating the overall scene illumination. Although simple, the rank-based method performs as well or better than many of the more complicated methods. Rank-based Method The proposed method consists of two steps: (i) within local subwindows the R, G, and B digital counts within each channel are ranked separately and then the triple of digital counts of rank kL from each channel is returned as the illuminant color for the subwindow; and (ii) global ranking of the subwindow estimates from (i) returning the R, G, and B having rank kG. The first step estimates the illuminant locally within many different M-byM subwindows. The RGB estimate for the central pixel of the subwindow is its kL th smallest R, kL th smallest G, and kL th smallest B. Expressed in terms of the largest instead of the smallest, the kL th smallest digital count is the (MkL ) largest digital count. When kL is normalized by the size of the subwindow, the ranking operation is equivalent to a non-linear percentile filter (e.g., Matlab’s prctile or quantile functions). For example, if the kL th rank corresponds to the 50 percentile then this non-linear filter becomes the standard median filter. For kL = M (100 percentile) the filter is equivalent to choosing the maximum. Hence, as kL is varied from the 50 th to the 100 percentile, the method of estimating the illumination varies from using the median, which is similar to the mean used in Grayworld estimation, to the maximum, which is equivalent to MaxRGB without pre-processing [1, 2]. The second step combines the results of the subwindow estimates into a single estimate of the illumination for the image as a whole. For a given global rank, kG, the RGB estimate for the entire image is its kG th smallest R, kG th smallest G, and kG th smallest B found across all the subwindow estimates. The rank kG can be normalized by the total number of subwindows to yield a percentile rank. In the remainder of the paper, kL and kG will always refer to normalized, percentile ranks. Our Rank-based algorithm can also be represented as two mathematical formulas. The first formula computes the local estimates in the image, as IL = PercentileMxM(I, kL) (1) where the input image I is of one of the R, G or B color channels, and IL contains the local illumination estimates, where each pixel is replaced by the kL local percentile. The function PercentileMxM(x, k) returns the k smallest value of a vector x containing MxM elements. The second formula computes the global estimates based on the local estimates as e = PercentileN(IL,kG) (2) Here e is the estimated global illumination of one of the R, G and B color channels. The function PercentileN(x, k) computes the k th smallest value of a 1xN vector x (given N is the number of pixels in the image). So the scene illumination, (eR,eG,eB), is the final output of our algorithm. Rank Computation Generally, to find the k smallest (or largest) element in a subwindow of M elements by brute-force based on first sorting them would have complexity O(MlogM). However, a much more efficient algorithm developed by Huang [13] based on using an incremental histogram has computational complexity O(M). Recently, Weiss [14] further reduced median filtering to sub-linear complexity O(logM) and a modified version performs general rank-order filtering. Therefore, for N M-by-M subwindows the computational complexity of the local rank step is O(NlogM). For the second step, the global ranking is based on N samples so its complexity is O(logN). The combined complexity for the two steps is O(NlogM) +O(logN), however, since O(NlogM) >> 118 © 2013 Society for Imaging Science and Technology O(logN) for large N the overall complexity of the method is O(NlogM). Comparison to other illumination estimation methods The rank-based approach is also closely related to illumination estimation by Grayworld [3] and MaxRGB [2] and its variants [1]. MaxRGB with simple pre-processing has been shown [1] to perform at roughly the same level as the Edge-Based method [4] and significantly better than the computationally intensive Bayesian method [7] when tested on the Grayball and the Colorchecker image datasets. The proposed rank-based method unifies Grayworld and MaxRGB within a common framework in that varying the choice of 3 parameters—subwindow size M, local rank kL, and global rank kG—defines a family of illumination estimation methods. For instance, setting kL = 50%, kG = 100%, and M = 3, the rank-based method is equivalent to MaxRGB with pre-processing by a 3x3 median filter. Setting kG = 50% and M = 1 approximates the Grayworld method with mean replaced by median. The way that the ranked-based framework defines a family of methods is similar to the Shades-of-Gray [6] framework in that it also defines a family of methods from Grayworld through to MaxRGB; however, the two frameworks generate different families. The rank-based method also has a lot in common with the bright pixel approach of Vaezi Joze et al. [10] and Tominaga et al. [11] in that for high percentile ranks estimates are primarily based on ‘bright’ pixels. Table 1 summarizes the existing methods that can be implemented or approximated within the rank-based framework. Table 1. Summary of the connection between the rank-based approach and other color constancy methods. Parameters of Rank CC Methods M kL kG 1 -50% Grayworld (approximated) [3] ∞ 50% -1 -100% MaxRGB without pre-processing [2] ∞ 100% -5 >>1 100% MaxRGB with uniform averaging (Barnard et al.) (approximated) [15] 5 50% 100% MaxRGB w. median filter (MaxM) [1] >5 50% 100% MaxRGB clipped removal + median filter (MaxCM) (approximated) [1] Tests and Discussion In this section, the performance of the rank-based approach is evaluated and compared with other methods on four benchmark image datasets. The first dataset is the Barnard et al. [16] collection of 321 indoor images taken under 11 different illuminants. The second is the Ciurea et al. [17] SFU dataset of 11,346 images derived from digital video sequences. The third dataset is Shi’s[1] re-processed version of the Gehler et al. [9] Colorchecker dataset containing 568 images. The fourth dataset contains HDR images of 105 scenes captured using a Nikon D700 digital still camera [1]. The images in the Barnard, Gehler and HDR datasets are linear (gamma =1). The Ciurea set is non-linear and of unknown gamma. Tests of the rank-based method were conducted using various parameter settings: (1) three subwindow sizes are defined as a fraction of the image size—approximately 0.01%, 0.1%, 1%—plus a window of size 1x1 as the limiting case; (2) local rank kL is varied from 50% ~ 100% (i.e., from median to maximum); and (3) the global rank kG is varied from 50%~100%, in steps of 5% down to 2% for both kL and kG . The choice of parameter settings will clearly affect the method’s performance as measured in terms of the angular difference between the estimated versus true chromaticity of the illumination. Fig. 1 shows the effect when tested on the 11,346 SFU Grayball image set in which the colored map in kL-kG coordinates indicates the magnitude of the median angular error, with blue indicating low error and red indicating high error. The black arrows indicate the direction of decreasing error (i.e., the negative of the error’s gradient). The white lines are iso-error contours indicating (kL, kG) pairs leading to identical average error. For Fig 1(a) the subwindow size is 1x1 so the local ranking step has no effect since there is only a single value to rank. The (kL, kG) values corresponding to the lowest error form a vertical “valley” (dark blue) around kG = 95% between the two iso-error contours defined by the average error rates of MaxRGB (kG = 100%) and Grayworld (approximately kG = 80%). For the case of 3x3 subwindows shown in Fig 1(b), the “valley” (kL = kG = 95%) shrinks to a “dimple” and is shifted upwards. The error also drops to 5.3 from 5.6. The “hill” on the right side of the “valley” is at kG = kL = 100%, which corresponds to MaxRGB without preprocessing. Increasing the subwindow size to 9x9, the “dimple” (Fig 1(c)) pivots to the left and stretches out to a “valley” again, but now a horizontal one. The minimum error now lies around kL = 92%, kG = 100%. Finally, for subwindows of size 21x21 the “valley” (Fig 1(d)) stretches further horizontally, and the minimum error is found at kL = 80%, kG = 98%. Plots of the same kind as in Fig. 1 but based on the 568, 321 and HDR datasets instead of the 11,346 set consistently show a similar trend so they are not included here. Using grid search, the minimum error for each setting is determined. Fig. 2 plots the locations of the smallest median angular error obtained for each dataset as a function of kL, kG, and subwindow size. Fig. 1 shows a remarkable “hill-valley-hill” pattern, regardless of subwindow size. It is particularly interesting that the valley is always located between the Grayworld and MaxRGB isoerror contours. This implies that there is an opportunity to improve upon the Grayworld and MaxRGB methods using the rank-based framework. For relatively large values of kL and kG, (e.g., 90%~99%) the resulting error is always less than both MaxRGB and Grayworld. In this sense, the rank-based method is again analogous to Shades-of-Gray [6] in that it also outperforms both Grayworld and MaxRGB for a Minkowski norm between 1 and infinity. For large values of kL and kG the rank method chooses high values and in this sense begins to select ‘bright’ pixels as suggested by Vaezi Joze et al. [10], although in that work the ‘bright’ values are based on R+G+B, not R, G, B separately. Also the bright pixel method uses all pixels above a certain percentile, while the rank method uses only the single pixel value at the given percentile. The curve-shaped locus of minima in Fig. 2 indicates that the minimum angular error decreases with increasing subwindow size. 21st Color and Imaging Conference Final Program and Proceedings 119 Table 2. Performance comparison on the SFU 321, grayball 11346, HDR 105 and re-processed colorchecker 568 datasets. The methods compared are Do-Nothing, Grayworld [3], Shades-of-Gray [6], Edge-Based [4] (first and second order), MaxRGB [2], MaxRGB+[1], TPS Thin-Plate Spline [8], CbyC as reported in [18], Gamut Mapping [19], N-jet [18], Bayes-GT[9], and Rank-based. Angular Error on Test Datasets Barnard 321 HDR 105 Ciurea 11346 Gehler 568 Median Trimean Max(25%) Median Trimean Max(25%) Median Trimean Max(25%) Median Trimean Max(25%) Do-nothing 15 16 31 4.3 4.9 16 6.7 7.6 19 4.8 7.8 24 MaxRGB 6.4 7.8 21 4.2 5.3 15 6.0 6.8 17 9.1 9.5 21 MaxRGB+ 3.0 4.4 15 3.8 5.1 15 5.3 6.0 15 4.2 6.2 18 Grayworld 7.0 7.7 23 7.3 7.7 15 6.3 6.7 14 3.7 4.1 11 SoG (p=6) 4.0 4.9 16 4.3 4.1 14 5.8 6.1 13 4.5 5.5 15 Edge-Based (1st order) 3.6 4.6 15 3.7 4.6 14 5.5 6.1 15 3.8 5.4 16 Edge-Based (2nd order) 4.5 5.6 15 4.0 4.9 14 5.4 6.2 16 4.4 5.9 17 TPS (3-fold) 1.2 0.9 3.5 ------2.4 2.6 6.8 CbyC (Gijsenij et al.) 6.8 [18] --5.9 --6.5 7.4 17 ---Gamut Mapping 3.1 [18] -----4.8 5.2 12 4.3 5.3 15 N-jet (complete 1-jet) 2.1 [18] -----5.5 5.8 13 4.2 5.1 14 Bayes-GT --5.9 7.0 18 5.8 6.2 15 Rank-based (3-fold) 2.7 3.7 14 3.7 4.5 14 5.1 5.7 13 2.5 3.0 8.8 For instance, the minimum error for subwindows that cover 0.01% of the image is always larger than for subwindows that cover 1%. Based on these observations, a rule-of-thumb guideline for the choice of parameters is that the subwindow size should be relatively large (~1%) and the kL and kG percentile ranks should be high. The large subwindow size and high kL together mean that the effect of the first step of the rank-based method performs a dilation that spreads out each high value to its surrounding area. Table 1 shows that in comparison to several other illumination estimation methods the rank-based method is very competitive based on the reported median, trimean, and maximum (average of top 25%) angular errors. Since the choice of parameters is affected by the characteristics of the imaging system, the median error reported in Table 2 for the rank-based method is based on 3-fold cross validation. The comparison on the 321 set is complicated by the fact that three of the other methods are tested on a reduced set of 290 of the 321 images (namely, CbyC, Gamut Mapping and N-jet in [18]). Conclusion The proposed rank-based illumination estimation method is conceptually simple and testing shows it to be very effective. It uses the ranking of the RGB digital counts channel-by-channel within subwindows to produce estimates of the illumination locally. By adjusting the ranking percentile, the method varies from a median-based variant of Grayworld to MaxRGB. The analysis shows that the optimal choice of parameters lies between these two extremes. The global estimate is computed based on the rankings of the subwindow estimates. When the ranking percentile is chosen as a high number, the method tends to favour ‘bright’ pixels, which has been shown by Vaezi Joze et al. [10] and by by Tominaga et al. [11] to be a good strategy. Despite the rank-based method’s simplicity, its performance is found to be competitive with other state-of-the art methods for estimating the chromaticity of the overall scene illumination.
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